Thursday, October 2, 2008

Robot Helper

Sharkboy wants to know -

One day you wake up and discover your family has acquired a robot helper! Tell me a story about how the robot changes you family's life.

Once upon a time we found an old robot in our closet. He changed our lives by doing all our chores. It polished the windows til they sparkled. He even cleaned the bottom of the river. It did our homework and made our beds. I would not mess with this robot! I would name him M.O.S.H..

I hope that answers your question, Sharkboy


Sharkboy said...

That's awesome Dude. You answered my request! Thanks. I am for sure coming back. I love stories. Maybe tomorrow I'll ask you another. Til then stay COOL DUDE!

Sharkboy said...

I hope you are not just waiting for my comments. Go out and play or something. I told you I would be back tomorrow. See ya Dude

Sonic said...

Sharkboy I am looking for your Blog.

Sharkboy said...

Hey, Dude are ready for today's new story headliner. Here it goes.

You just won $50,000! Describe how you would use the money.

Be very detailed, it could actually happen.

Til later Dude
Can't wait to read what you write.